Hello 2019!

Photo by Brianne Wik, Brightly & Co.

Photo by Brianne Wik, Brightly & Co.

I was really excited to get back to work after the holidays. This was . . . surprising, to say the least, given that I’d really struggled with a nasty case of fatigue, overwhelm, stress, and anxiety throughout the fall and into the festive season. So, how did I manage to overcome all that and come back to my desk feeling, dare I say, refreshed?

  • I spent some time reflecting on both the positive and negative events of 2018. Usually at the end of the year I create a big list of resolutions and goals without really thinking about why those particular changes are important to me (and therefore I usually give up on most of my good intentions by January 2.) By digging deep (I used Lara Casey’s wonderful Power Sheets as a guide), I was able to analyze why I wanted to do certain things, which has given me increased incentive and motivation to follow through.

  • I set specific and attainable business goals, and plotted them on a yearly calendar with action steps. Have you ever watched the delightful sitcom New Girl? There’s a hilarious bit where one of the characters talks about how he is horrible at practical jokes because he either goes way too small (moves a pair of shoes half an inch) or way too big (lights the shoes on fire.) This has always been my problem with goal setting! In my excitement for new things, I would often set big, crazy goals with no plan or path for attaining them. This year I set goals that are attainable (for example, book one new corporate client every month) with specific action steps (have 3 networking meetings monthly). Additionally, I’m not going to try to do everything immediately. By plotting on the calendar when I want to achieve certain things, I avoid overwhelm and always have new projects to look forward to. (By the way, the goal for my birthday month is SO GOOD. I can’t wait to share it with you guys!)

  • I did some serious self examination. Learning about my Enneagram (a personality assessment) has been BLOWING MY MIND and really helping me cultivate those innate parts of my personality that help me be successful, and recognize and reign in those parts of my personality that maybe aren’t so positive.

  • I set qualitative personal goals. Goals like “lose 10 pounds,” “workout 6 times every week,” or “eat oatmeal for breakfast” have never resonated with me, although they always seem to creep into my intentions, if only subconsciously. This year I really searched for the why behind those weird arbitrative goals and came up with alternatives that make me feel nourished. For example, instead of “eat healthier” this year I’m focusing on “eating food I actually like” - what a shift!

  • I made another big investment in my business. I’m doing a Mastermind with the lovely Brianne Wik of Brightly and Co! Making big financial investments at the start of a new year can be scary. But when you know there’s something out there that will propel you forward, spend that money, honey!

  • I set my annual RES-ELATION! A few years ago my dear friend Liz and I (ok, not gonna lie, it was probably after one too many glasses of good Spanish wine) came up with the concept of a RES-ELATION! Or rather, a combination of “resolution” and “revelation.” In short, this is something you commit to because it makes you feel really good. Past res-elations of mine have included things like “Be badass” (the motorcycle boots I bought that year are still my favorite style piece) and “Make more waffles” (I’d been watching a lot of Parks and Rec and Leslie Knope inspired me in many ways . . . but mostly to eat more waffles. I was very popular on Sunday mornings in 2016!) This year, my res-elation is to “Wear more lipstick.” Why? Because whenever I see someone rocking a bright lip, I see confidence. And confidence? That’s what’s pinning it all together this year.

  • Finally, I refuse to be bullied by arbitrary deadlines. Done no goal setting this year? Who cares! Do it now! Do it next month! Just because the world says all of this has to be done by a certain date, doesn’t mean it actually has to be. (Except for taxes. Please pay your taxes on time.) For so much of my life, I would have a lot of good intentions but then would miss an arbitrary deadline I set for myself and throw the entire project away. This was me making EXCUSES and giving into FEAR. And that is so 2018.

I am super excited to share with you all this year. Get ready for exciting content here and on my Instagram! (If you like books or dogs, please also follow me @Books_and_Benson!) Be prepared for webinars and programming and lots of ways to get connected and learn. And most importantly? Let’s have fun and be stronger together.

Happy New Year!

Shea Keats